

A-bomb-atomic bomb,

A-bomb-atomic bomb, n. A highly destructive bomb whose explosion is the violent conversion of atoms into energy; esp., a bomb of this type that uses uranium or plutonium BOMB. Destruction force weapon.


Abandonment refers to the act of an insured party relinquishing their rights to property that is significantly damaged or deemed a total loss, often seen in marine or property insurance. For instance, after a natural disaster, an insured homeowner might…


Abatement refers to the reduction in the amount of a claim due to policy provisions such as deductibles, policy limits, or coinsurance. For example, if a health insurance policy has a high deductible, the abatement represents the portion of medical…


n.Definition, electronic brain,eye appeal,know-how,package appeal


adj. rugged, topflight, tops, the tops, streamlined, big league, droppable, free-wheeling, go-get- ting, hard-hitting, in the running, payoff, tried-and-true, two-edged, unhandicapped, androgenic, atomic, kinetic


adj. deviate, mixed- up, pixilated, screwball, screwy, sub- clinical, subfertile, wacky, disturbed, hypertensive, souped-up, off-year


n. deviancy, hyper-employment, off year, para- logia, pixilation, screwball, weirdie


v. deactivate, desegregate, liquidate, purge

Absolute Assignment

Absolute Assignment term denotes the complete transfer of all rights and ownership of an insurance policy from one party to another. In the U.S., this is often seen in life insurance policies where the original policyholder transfers all interests to…

Absolute Ownership

Absolute ownership refers to the complete and unrestricted ownership rights a policyholder has over an insurance policy. In the U.S., this means the owner can change beneficiaries, surrender the policy for its cash value, or take out loans against it.…

Absolute zero

The lowest temperature to which any substance could conceivably be cooled,and at which it would contain no remaining energy in the from of heat. Absolute zero is close to - 273 C and is by definition the zero of the…


(Sometimes called absorptance, or absorptive power) When radiation falls onto a surface, some is reflected and some absorbed; the proportion absorbed is the absorptivity of the surface. It may vary according to the wavelength of the radiation, and so may…

Abstract of Title

Abstract of Title: In American insurance, particularly in title insurance, an abstract of title is a document that provides a historical summary of all legal transfers and claims related to a property. It ensures there are no legal disputes or…

Accelerative Endowment

An accelerative endowment is a type of life insurance policy that combines elements of term insurance and endowment policies. It provides a lump sum payment either at the end of the policy term or upon the insured's death, whichever comes…


In American insurance, acceptance refers to the insurer's agreement to provide coverage under a policy. This occurs when an insurer approves an application for insurance and issues a policy to the applicant. Contemporary issues include the stringent underwriting processes in…


In the insurance context, accession can refer to the right of the property owner to all that their property produces, including any additions or improvements. In contemporary terms, this might be relevant in homeowners insurance when considering coverage for newly…


An unforeseen and unintentional event causing damage or injury. In contemporary American insurance, the term is crucial in auto, health, and workers' compensation insurance, where policies specifically cover accidents rather than intentional acts or preexisting conditions. The rise in auto…

Accident and Health Insurance

Accident and Health Insurance: This type of insurance policy provides coverage for expenses resulting from accidents and health issues. Contemporary issues include debates over healthcare reform and the rising costs of health insurance premiums, as well as coverage gaps that…

Accident Frequency

Accident Frequency: The rate at which accidents occur within a specified period or among a specific population. In contemporary American insurance, understanding accident frequency is vital for insurers to set premiums and predict losses, especially in auto insurance, where factors…

Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance: A type of insurance policy that provides compensation for injuries or death resulting from accidents. This term is particularly relevant today due to the growing demand for supplemental insurance policies that cover gaps left by standard health insurance,…

Accident Policy

Accident Policy: An insurance policy specifically covering accidents, offering benefits for medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs. Contemporary issues include the increasing popularity of accident policies as supplemental insurance, particularly among individuals with high-deductible health plans seeking extra…

Accident Severity

Accident Severity: The extent of damage or injury resulting from an accident. In contemporary American insurance, accident severity is a critical factor in claims processing and setting premiums, especially in auto and health insurance, where severe accidents can lead to…

Accident, Industrial

Accident, Industrial: An accident that occurs in the workplace, often leading to injury or death of an employee. In contemporary terms, this is highly relevant in workers' compensation insurance, where there's a focus on safety regulations, workplace hazards, and the…

Accidental Death Benefit

Accidental Death Benefit: A provision in a life insurance policy that provides an additional benefit if the insured's death is due to an accident. This is significant in contemporary discussions about life insurance policies offering more comprehensive coverage, as consumers…